Tumor Tests
MyChoice CDx

MyChoice CDx

For patients with ovarian cancer, MyChoice® CDx examines an ovarian cancer tumor’s HRD status to help determine whether a patient may be a candidate for PARP inhibitor therapy.

mutation createOrder {
  createOrder(order: {
    requisitionNumber: "SOME_REQUISITION_NUMBER"
    patient: {
      firstName: "John"
      lastName: "Doe"
      dob: "1960-01-01"
      genderCode: MALE
      address: {
        street: "320 Wakara Way"
        city: "Salt Lake City"
        stateCode: UT
        postalCode: "84104"
      mobilePhoneNumber: "801-584-3700"
      emailAddress: "test@myriad.com"
    products: [
        product: MYCHOICE
    clinical: {
      boneMarrowTransplantRecipient: AUTOLOGOUS
      personalCancerHistory: [{
        ovarian: {
          diagnosisAge: 40
          currentlyBeingTreated: true
          diagnosisDetails: {
            left: true
            right: false
            additionalHistopathology: "Some String"
      familyCancerHistory: [{
        relationshipTypeCode: MOTHER
        cancerHistory: [{
          cancerSiteCode: OVARIAN
          diagnosisAge: {
            age: 60
      ancestry: [
    billing: {
      institution: {
        institutionalAccountNumber: "12345"
    specimens: [{
      tumor: {
        collectionDate: "2024-01-01"
        hospitalizationCode: HOSPITAL_INPATIENT
        hospitalDischargeDate: "2024-01-01"
        tumorStage: I
        tissueTypeCode: OVARY
        specimenIds: ["Your ID"]
        currentTreatment: [NOT_STARTED]
        previousTreatment: [CHEMOTHERAPY]
        tumorClinicalStatus: [REFRACTORY]
        tumorHistory: {
          ovarian: {
            diagnosisAge: 40
            currentlyBeingTreated: true
            diagnosisDetails: {
              left: true
              right: false
              additionalHistopathology: "Some String"
    providerAccounts: [
        organization: {
          identifiers: {
            use: OFFICIAL
            type: XX
        provider: {
          identifiers: [
              use: OFFICIAL
              type: NPI
              value: "SOME_NPI"
          firstName: "John"
          lastName: "Smith"
        role: ORDERING
        location: {
          identifiers: [
              use: OFFICIAL
              type: FI
    notes: [
      "this is a test note"
}) { id }