HL7 Detailed Results OBX

Myriad HL7 Detailed Results OBX (Optional)

If requested, Myriad can send detailed results as part of a Result Message (ORU). These detailed results will be sent in base64 encoded JSON in an additional OBX as part of the typical ORU structure as outlined in the Myriad HL7 ORM/ORU Message Standards document. This document will outline the specifications for the Detailed Results OBX itself.

In the specification below, 'R' refers to Required field, 'C' refers to Conditional, 'O' refers to Optional.

Detailed Results OBX

OBX Segment - Result Observation Segment

We use an OBX segment to send base64 encoded JSON with detailed results data.

Field MnemonicUse/Value FieldRequired Field?LengthField or Segment Delimiter
OBX-0Segment Type ID
Use: To identify the segment
  • 'OBX'
  • R3|
    OBX-1Sequence NumberR10|
    OBX-2Use: to identify the type of data being sent
  • 'ED' - Encapsulated Data
  • R2|
    OBX-33.1 Observation Test Identifier
  • 'DetailedResults1'
  • R16^
    3.2 Observation Test Text
  • 'JSON String'
  • R11^
  • 'AP'
  • R2^
  • 'JSON'
  • R4^
  • 'Base64'
  • R6^
  • JSON string in base64
  • R^
    OBX-11Observation Result StatusR1|

    Myriad Detailed Results JSON Format

    Detailed Results JSON Structure

    The decoded JSON will conform to the schema in the following table.

    FieldDescriptionValue Definition
    genesAnalyzedTextThe raw genes analyzed text from the 2nd page of the PDFText or null
    isSequencingWas the test full genome sequencing or specific sites tested?Boolean (true/false)
    testResultsList of test result objects sorted by gene name. See below for detailsList of testResult objects
    testResults[].geneGene nameSee table below
    testResults[].dnaChangeDNA change part of the variant namestring or nulle.g., p.xxxxxxxx
    testResults[].aaChangeAA change part of the variant namestring or nulle.g.,c.xxxxxxxx
    testResults[].zygosityZygosityHeterozygous, Homozygous, Mosaic, or null
    testResults[].alleleClassificationAllele classificationNegative, Uncertain (aka VUS), Suspected Deleterious, Deleterious, Associated (rare, just for HOXB13. treat as Deleterious)
    testResults[].functionalSignificanceHeaderFunctional significance headerText or null
    testResults[].functionalSignificanceTextFunctional significance text.Text or null
    testResults[].clinicalSignficanceHeaderClinical significance headerText or null
    testResults[].clinicalSignficanceTextClinical significance textText or null
    testResults[].mutationDetectedWas a mutation detected?Boolean (true/false)
    testResults[].variantInfoLong hand version of the variantText or null
    testResults[].variantNameCombined name of the variant, usually in the format: dnaChange (aaChange)Text or null

    Field Values

    testResults[].gene: Gene Name

    Possible Values:

    The Myriad EMR team does not maintain this list of genes, however we will attempt to communicate any changes to this list as soon as we are aware of them.