Tumor Tests


Prolaris® is a molecular diagnostic test that helps determine the aggressiveness of a prostate cancer tumor to guide the best treatment decisions for prostate cancer patients.

mutation createOrder {
    order: {
      billing: { institution: { institutionalAccountNumber: "123456789" } }
      clinical: { ancestry: [ASHKENAZI_JEWISH], personalCancerHistory: [] }
      patient: {
        address: {
          city: "New York"
          postalCode: "10001"
          stateCode: NY
          street: "Example St."
        dob: "1968-08-01"
        emailAddress: "john@schmo.com"
        firstName: "John"
        genderCode: MALE
        lastName: "Schmo"
        mobilePhoneNumber: "415-555-5555"
      products: [{ product: PROLARIS }]
      providerAccounts: [
          provider: {
            identifiers: [{ type: NPI, use: OFFICIAL, value: "12345" }]
            firstName: "Test"
            lastName: "Provider"
          location: {
            address: {
              city: "New York"
              postalCode: "10001"
              stateCode: NY
              street: "Example St."
          organization: {
            identifiers: [{ type: XX, use: OFFICIAL, value: "12345" }]
          role: ORDERING
      requisitionNumber: "a1b2c3d4e5f6"
      specimens: [
          tumor: {
            collectionDate: "2024-01-09"
            currentTreatment: [CHEMOTHERAPY]
            hospitalizationCode: NON_HOSPITAL_PATIENT
            specimenIds: ["VIA-12-7589"]
            tissueTypeCode: PROSTATE
            tumorStage: I
            prostateTumorStage: T1A
            tumorHistory: {
              prostate: {
                currentlyBeingTreated: true
                diagnosisAge: 55
                diagnosisDetails: {
                  gleasonScore: THREE_PLUS_THREE_EQUAL_SIX
                  gleasonPrimaryGrade: 3
                  gleasonSecondaryGrade: 3
                  preBiopsyPSA: 8.4
                  biopsyCoresBiopsied: 12
                  biopsyCoresPositives: 4
                  preBiopsyTreatment: false
                  additionalHistopathology: ADENOCARCINOMA
  ) {